Welcome to The Truth of my Lies

I welcome those who visit this blog, but those who know nothing but making trouble I shall not welcome...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Truth

Everytime I smile,
Everytime I laugh,
no matter how you look at it,
I look happy
the truth is
It is just another lie...
I am never truly happy with myself and
this life
Is there really a guiding light?
I know not...
I had a problem
that has already effected my life
It has burned all my Hopes,
destroyed my Faith
and sent my Dreams to Oblivion
I need someone or something
to guide me out of
Abyss of Flames
I can't survive in this world
I am just like
"Ash like Snow"
To people I may look like a good person
but in the inside
I am nothing but an insulted sinner
that thinks nothing of this life
They tell me
"Life isn't the begining, but just a mear test
for the true begining
so maybe for me
sixteen years is enough
maybe I might return to god early
so if u want me here
to keep me living
just tell me what to do
The Phantom of Hearts
Shaoran Akumu
The Arcana 0
The Fool

1 comment:

  1. salam. ko knp, farhan. cool, pal.
    bgtau aku pe ceritanya.. mnalh tau, Allah bg ilham kat aku, ke. hehe
